The Women's Fellowship ministry encourages women in participating in God's Ministry for the spiritual growth of family, children and the society. Every second Friday women of our church meet. They do chain of prayers on first Sunday of every month from early morning until late night. Mrs. Vanitha Jemson (W/O Rev. Jemson) responsibly leads as the organiser and is assisted by the Coordinator, Mrs. Punitha Dhas. They also visit sick people and pray for them. There is a prayer gathering every 2nd Sunday morning at 09:00 AM.
- To empower, strengthen and encourage women in the Gospel.
- To create opportunities to minister to women in serving the Lord.
- To help women start and maintain a prayerful life.
- To provide literature and engage in retreats for spiritual growth.
- To start and maintain spiritual reading groups/workshops and family spiritual gatherings.
- To help women to use their gifts effectively for the Lord.