Every 1st and 3rd Sunday, young people in the age group of 16 to 30 are welcome to join in our gathering to glorify the Lord. Praise & Worship is conducted by Mrs. Priya Singh. Sermons are given to clear the doubts about doctrines and unhealthy thoughts which arise from their minds. We guide them to pray for the needy, sick, missionaries and their work, our church, and for our youth spiritual life. Bible Quiz helps them to learn the Bible well and to be well versed in Bible knowledge. We bring out the hidden talent of the youth so that the talents could be used for Gods glory. Youth fellowship purely concentrates on character building which would really build up our spiritual life. Another concept, we mainly look into is, Christian life is very hard for hypocrites. It is a hard and narrow path and the most important thing for a youth to know how to face problems.
Youth ministry is more than programs and events. It is every effort by the Christian community to reach out to the youth with the love of God as revealed to us in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is the means to grow as individuals while exploring ideas, values, and faith within the context of a supportive community of peers and adults. Youth Ministry is a church-wide ministry which strives to provide a variety of opportunities and experiences to draw teens into active, responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the faith community and the greater church. It is an umbrella term that describes the systematic attention the faith community gives to young people which enables them to reach their full God created potential. That is, everything the faith community is involved in that promotes both healthy development and faith growth in adolescents. CSI Tamil Parish Dubai, seeks to help youth share their gifts, grow in leadership skills, develop a positive self-image, overcome prejudices, develop respect for differences, serve those in need, and foster social change, participate in the sacraments, develop a personal spirituality and develop a personal relationship with Jesus. Youth Ministry is fun, faith, and friends, usually with a little food added to keep our engines going. We organize a series of programs and activities to give young people a chance to participate in Church life, develop their own faith and spirituality, and discover new friendships.